Uncover Your Hidden Leadership Power coaching human skills leadership values Sep 06, 2023

In Food Safety and Quality, one of the biggest challenges affecting leaders is the challenge to embrace leading people instead of being the expert.  Unknowingly, this limits their impact, their ability to take care of their team, and their career opportunities.  Ultimately, it hampers their ability to realize their full leadership calling and influence to drive food safety and quality within and outside their organizations.  Join us and our amazing guest, Nicki Vo, Founder of...

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Top-Down or Bottom-Up? What Leadership Approach Best Drives Culture business partner decision making human skills leadership technical leadership Aug 30, 2023

How often does the response “because I said so” motivate people to action?  Not only is that answer often ineffective in driving action, but it can also encourage people to do the opposite. Yet, this type of top-down management is still the predominant approach used in many organizations.  Given the current state of food safety culture, one may wonder, would a bottom-up leadership approach be more effective in engaging team members to drive better food safety outcomes?...

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What We Can Do vs. The Right Thing to Do decision making ethics food safety culture leadership sanitation Aug 23, 2023

In Food Safety and Quality, we’re often faced with what we can do versus the right thing to do.  There’s no better place to examine where it all begins than at the foundation of food safety - sanitation!  Our guests, Katie Walker and Melody Thompson of The Vincit Group, share stories, insights, and ways to navigate by asking big questions, seeing beyond what we see, and navigating risks to make it easier to do the right thing.

Learn more in THIS episode of Real Talk Food...

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Tips for Developing Your Leadership Presence developing people food safety culture human skills leadership managing up Aug 17, 2023

Is leadership presence the same as executive presence?  Not necessarily; however, the foundation of each is the ability to inspire confidence in others so they want to come along. Whether you’re looking for your first leadership role, moving to a Director role, or ready for a VP role, your leadership presence is in the spotlight.  Join us to examine elements of Leadership Presence critical to having more impact in your current role or preparing for your next job...

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All Things Food Safety business partner developing people food industry food safety values Aug 09, 2023

Food safety isn’t always clear. Discussion and conversation are critical aspects of understanding complex food safety topics.  That’s why we’re having All Things Food Safety - an open conversation with our friend Bryan Armentrout where we’ll discuss current events and take questions from the audience. 

Learn more in THIS episode of Real Talk Food Safety with Tia & Jill.

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Performance Reviews: Moving from Necessary Evil to Valuable Asset developing people expectations human skills leadership powerful conversations Aug 02, 2023

It’s months before traditional end-of-the-year reviews will begin.  That’s why it’s the perfect time to talk about how to create more value from performance reviews!  When we’re looking to lead better business outcomes, performance reviews were designed to support leaders, yet we often dread doing them. See how performance reviews can be moved from a necessary evil to your most valuable asset!

Learn more in THIS episode of Real Talk Food Safety with Tia &...

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The Necessity of Sharp Left Turns coaching food safety culture human skills leadership mindset team dynamics Jul 28, 2023

Sometimes in leadership roles, we need to be able to pivot and change direction. That’s especially true when we work in the food industry!  The question is: how exactly do we regroup and change our mindset and attitude to ensure success?  It’s simple -by changing our questions, we can change our mindset, and get on the right path.   Learn how to change your questions and become a better leader as we talk with our special guest, Christine Alvarado!  


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Live from IAFP 2023! conferences continuous learning leadership networking Jul 20, 2023

We’re at IAFP 2023!  Join us as we share what we’ve learned and noticed about developing food safety professionals, food safety culture, and more!  

Learn more in THIS episode of Real Talk Food Safety with Tia & Jill.

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What “Economic Slowdown” Means for FSQ Leaders business partner economy financial leadership Jul 12, 2023

Fluctuations in markets are normal, yet economic slowdowns can feel disruptive.  Uncertainty ripples through the organization touching everyone, no matter their role.  There’s a heightened focus on budgets - often budget cuts or freezes - that lead people to wonder about safety in their positions.  Everyone is doing even more with even less. Join us to talk about steps and approaches you can take as leaders in Food Safety and Quality to navigate the uncertainty that comes...

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The Life-Long Journey of Leadership developing people human skills leadership Jul 12, 2023

Being incredibly intelligent, focused, and warm-hearted is only part of the reason Kelly Gartner, the VP of Food Safety & Quality at Bell & Evans, has earned the industry’s respect.  Her calming presence and brilliant leadership have cascaded through her team and others.  Join us to learn how she brings this magnetic inspiration and energy to everyone she encounters!

Learn more in THIS episode of Real Talk Food Safety with Tia & Jill.

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Setting People Up for Success with the Right Tools Jun 16, 2023

Setting people up for success is a leader’s job.  Whether that’s getting the right computer and software access or ensuring PPE is protective and comfortable.   How often do we stop and ask our team members if they have the right tools for their job?  Are the tools effective? Are people happy?  Jim Miller of Saldesia has been helping leaders lean into having the right tools for their team.  Join us to talk about tools, success, and culture come together!


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Quality Monitoring Programs and the Power of Managing Expectations business partner expectations food industry quality supply management Jun 08, 2023

Food safety gets a lot of attention as a “must have” product attribute, yet it’s only one aspect of product acceptability.  What about all the other aspects of products that are critical to consumer acceptance? And how do you manage quality if food safety is still a struggle?   Gillian Dagan of Food Improved Consulting has been answering these questions, and more, for years.  Join us as we dive into designing quality monitoring programs, identifying meaningful...

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