Get ready for a thought-provoking episode of "Real Talk Food Safety with Jill & Tia" as we dive into the captivating topic: "Is Loyalty at Work Dead?" Is loyalty still a cornerstone of success in today's fast-paced world, or has it evolved into something entirely different? Engage with us as we unpack the complexities of loyalty, dissecting its relevance and implications in the context of the food and beverage industry.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of this vibrant...
Most people in FSQ have heard of Bill Marler and Shawn Stevens as prominent food safety lawyers, yet have you heard of food safety mediators? We didn’t even know food safety mediation existed until we met David Ernst. He practiced food safety law for decades, but started his own business recently to serve differently - as a food mediator and law firm succession consultant. Join us to learn all about food mediation, succession planning, and what drives...
In Food Safety and Quality, we’re often faced with what we can do versus the right thing to do. There’s no better place to examine where it all begins than at the foundation of food safety - sanitation! Our guests, Katie Walker and Melody Thompson of The Vincit Group, share stories, insights, and ways to navigate by asking big questions, seeing beyond what we see, and navigating risks to make it easier to do the right thing.
Learn more in THIS episode of Real Talk Food...