Catalyst’s Coaching Agreement
As of the date of this purchase, I, the Purchaser, agree as follows:
All coaching services delivered by Catalyst LLC are intended to, but not limited to, providing insights and discovery for individuals and/or groups. Every relationship is more successful with properly set expectations and clarity of roles and responsibilities. This coaching agreement defines the expectations of our relationship and, upon purchase of a coaching package, I accept responsibility to adhere to the following provisions outlined below.
- I understand that the coaching service I will be receiving from Catalyst LLC are not offered as a substitute for mental health care. I also understand my coach is not acting as a psychotherapist and does not purport to offer mental health care.
- I understand that Catalyst LLC will maintain the confidentiality of our communications to the extent allowed by law. I consent to Catalyst LLC discussing, in confidence, my situation with another coach in order to best serve me and help me with my goals, provided that such coach is governed by this agreement to maintain confidentiality.
- I acknowledge that I have an obligation to maintain the confidentiality of all information shared during group coaching sessions. I acknowledge that I have the right to pursue breaches of confidentiality directly against the breaching participant and that Catalyst LLC is not obligated to pursue such claims against another participant on my behalf. I further release Catalyst LLC from any liability for such breaches by other participants.
- I understand our relationship is a partnership relationship. My coach is not there to provide advice or direct the process or outcomes. I own our relationship. I trust the coaching process.
- I understand our relationship is collaborative. Both the coach and I will agree to bring a spirit of openness, curiosity, and experimentation to this coaching relationship.
- I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my wellbeing and subsequently, including my choices and decisions. I am responsible for any actions or outcomes related to my coaching. I will only get out of coaching what I put into it.
- I understand it is my responsibility to come prepared with an agenda/goal for each session in order to work through the coaching process. That involves doing fieldwork, practice and other activities to move forward on my goals.
- I understand I have a responsibility to tell my coach if I’m not getting benefit from our time together.
- I understand that any feedback I provide in evaluations, etc. may be used to evaluate the effectiveness of coaching.
- Any materials shared with me by Catalyst LLC are protected by copyright laws. They are not to be copied, co-branded, re-designed or distributed without prior consent.
- Catalyst LLC has permission to use my name, photo, role, and employer's company logo for use in activities such as marketing, advertising, or business purposes.
I hereby release, waive, acquit and forever discharge Catalyst LLC its employees, managers, shareholders, agents, successors and assigns from every claim, suit action, demand or right to compensation for damages I may claim to have or that I may have arising out of actions, omissions or commissions taken by myself or by Catalyst LLC as a result of the advice given by Catalyst LLC or otherwise resulting from the technical coaching relationship contemplated hereunder. I further declare and represent that no promise, inducement or agreement not herein expressed has been made to me to enter into this release. The release made pursuant to this paragraph shall bind my heirs, executors, personal representatives, successors, assigns and agents.
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Minnesota without regard to conflict of laws provisions. Any dispute hereunder shall be venued in State District Court in Wright County, Minnesota.
Coaching is a privilege and works on the principles of discovery, awareness, action, planning, and accountability. The details of our arrangement include the following procedures:
- Please be on time for coaching. If after 10 minutes you do not join, you will need to reschedule based on availability.
- You will have coaching over several months that may include a kick-off, mid-point, and wrap-up conversation with you, your coach, and your manager.
- You will complete a self-evaluation before and after the process, create coaching goals.
- It is highly recommended you meet with your coach twice a month or at least every 3 weeks for maximum effectiveness.
- During discovery, you’ll lean into growth mindset and curiosity to explore where you’re at, where you’re going, and how to get there using the Catalyst process.
- During routine coaching, you’ll create coaching goals written by you with input from your coach. These goals will be used as the basis for coaching sessions.
- You are encouraged to capture and document key themes, insights, or action steps during or after each coaching session. This will help you retain what was discussed and note what actions you will take at the end of each session. Your coach may take notes as well; these are for their own use to paraphrase back what was said and/or to check in on progress from the last session.
- If you need to cancel, please let your coach know as early as possible. Cancellations within 2 days of the event will be billed as indicated. Catalyst LLC will be as flexible as possible as we know life is unpredictable.
- You may email your coach outside of sessions and they will respond within 48 hours, Monday-Friday for questions or support.
I have read and agree to ALL the provisions of this coaching partnership agreement set forth above and will honor them during our relationship.
Confidential. All rights reserved. 2025 Catalyst LLC.